A Kite Road Trip with Fone Pro Team

One good day of May, the feeling of contacting Fone Kiteboarding, arouse from deep inside the belly and rocketed itself all the way up through the spine, ringing the bell of the pituitary gland to finally come down and out of the mouth in form of a thunder charged with a simple code: Send email […]
A gypsy kiters trip

After a lockdown of 2.5 months in the windy, dusty little town where we happened to experience this quarantine; we felt quite in need to get out and do our thing. Go exploring remote spots in search of wind, waves and the least people around. The trip was planned for the first days after the […]
A visit to the UK and Ireland for some traveling, kiting and dealing with shit.

Had a call from Europe on this summer and from what I saw, several friends had also a call for visiting the old continent on the summer of 2022. Europe announced the opening of its doors for everybody (vaxed and non vaxed) on March of this year and I guess that after a sort of […]
Una cuarentena para quedarse

Y de pronto nos tenemos que encerrar y reducir significativamente la dinámica de vida a la que nos habíamos acostumbrado, aunque probablemente en este caso sea más preciso usar el término mal acostumbrado. Toda una experiencia global esta cuarenta. Un suceso que ha tenido que vivir la mayor parte del mundo sin importar raza, sexo, […]
Moto road trip a Valle de Bravo

Si te gustan los deportes en la naturaleza, este post y locación, te va a interesar. Un lunes sin pensarlo dos veces, armé la mochila con la lap, algunas ropas e instrumentos básicos de higiene personal. Tomé el tapete especial para sesiones de estiramiento y respiración yóguicas, dos pares de tennis (en caso de lluvia […]
Fishy mirages in bahía de los sueños

Went fishing the other day, capi Rasta invited me to be his “sailor” for this chance. He picked me up at 5:45 am and then drove to bahia de los sueños where at 6:20 am we where throwing the boat on the water, just before the sun rised. Having received the sun in the water, […]