Sessions with the conrads of Vancouver Island


Tiempo tenia queriendo ir a conocer la naturaleza de Canadá. En esta ocasión con el plan de visitar a unos amigos que habitan y son oriundos de la pequeña isla llamada Salt Spring, en la punta sureste de la gran isla de Vancouver.

La intención de esta visita fue la de aprender sus técnicas de construcción, ya que dichos amigos, son carpinteros especializados que trabajan dando diseño, mantenimiento y construcción a casas de primera, ancladas en la costa rocosa de la isla, las cuales comparten hermosas vistas a los canales de agua salada que rodean a salt spring y la isla de Vancouver en general.

El trabajo de este equipo llamado Mount Star design, construction & maintanance, es realizado bajo la intención de que quede lo más perfecto posible y se fundamenta en la atención al detalle. No por nada dan servicio a dichas casas millonarias.

Aunque tenía la intención de quedarme en tal lugar por un tiempo más prolongado, para poder aprender bien aquel asunto, la vida hizo un cambio súbito en mi calendario y solo pude pasar dos semanas con ellos; tiempo que lo vivimos y aprovechamos a fondo, ya que se encargaron de llenar cada espacio en el programa diario con alguna actividad de interés y gusto general.

Me recogieron alrededor de las 5 pm en la terminal del ferry del pueblo un domingo de julio 2019 y para las 6:30 pm, ya estábamos emprendiendo un hiking para llegar a una de las paredes favoritas de Noah y Jordan, en una montaña preciosa que subía alrededor de 700 m/snm, caminata que nos tomó alrededor de 45 min para llegar al punto donde la escalada propia tomaría forma.

Desde ahí arriba pude apreciar la vista hacia el campo y los canales de agua salada.

Si, con esta hermosa roca fue mi primera escalada propia.

La idea básica en la escalada es mantenerte lo más cerca posible de la pared y lograr buenos apoyos en los pies principalmente. Respirar, mantenerte tranquilo para lograr fusionarte a la roca hasta el punto que la misma pared te va mostrando el camino. Aprendes a usar, balancear y apoyarte en las cuatro extremidades del cuerpo, aveces quedando apoyado en dos o hasta en una sola.

La mayoría de las tardes, después de trabajar y aprender 8 horas en el tema de mantenimiento y construcción, subíamos a las montañas en búsqueda de una buena práctica de escalada. Las caminatas para llegar a las rocas son en el bosque de pinos altos y de cuando en cuando al llegar a alguna orilla de la montaña, se desplegaban vistas aéreas a los canales, cuerpos de agua, campos y montañas.

Dada su altitud en el globo terráqueo y el ángulo de la tierra con respecto al sol, en su verano, los días les duran mucho tiempo. Anochese alrededor de las 10:30 pm, por lo hay tiempo de sobra, para juntarte con la banda y sesionar en la pared.

Some other days we went sailing too in Noah´s 30 ft sailing boat. Just to catch some breeze out there and feel how the boat reacts to it and inclines around 40o, such a smooth adrenaline feeling, when the wind hits the sails of the boat. Maybe few beers and few spliffs just to accompany the cruising with the sunset and feel ourselves as sailors for a moment.

These territory is sailors territory, since it is an island. In fact my homeboy Noah, got to these island sailing with his family when he was around 5 years old, some good 20 or so years ago and for their unknown luck, their boat got damaged just before arriving to salt spring, forcing them to spend few days in the island trying to fix it. Well thanks to that “un-fortunate reparation to be made”, his parents where able to spend some time in the island and they say it was love at first sight. Few months after they sold their house in mainland and moved to salt spring, to start sort of a new life.

And after a whole week of learning to work with them, rock climbing and sailing, and after waiting for few years patiently, finally got to visit Nitinat lake, one of the main kite spots of Vancouver island.

Families from all around Canada but mainly from BC county, come to these majestic forest with giant trees and spend few days, weeks or months camping, kiting, windsurfing, fishing, hiking.

The wind is on from late spring through summer, when the thermal winds kick in pretty much every day around mid day. That´s when you see every one coming out of their little hobbit houses (tents, vans, rvs) inside the forest, carrying their gear to meet up by the shore and share a session with these thermal winds and fresh water. Pretty nice familiar and natural atmosphere you feel around.

The water temperature is surprisingly nice, around 18oC. You do need a wet suit of course, but I did perfectly fine with my 2:2

There’s a couple of main kiteboard schools that have being there since the beginning of the sport, some 15-20 years ago. One of them is Elevation Kiteboarding, whose other base is La Ventana bcs for the winter time and I happen to know few of their instructors, gear they use and facilities.

The special thing about these spot is the natural surroundings; that beautiful forest, that clean fresh water and that laidback vibe you feel from everyone.

Finally I got to live and taste what Vancouver’s island outdoors are all about in a condensed two week time lapse. Every day some work and some outdoor sport. Gotta say, that it was hard to keep up with all the energy my younger fellas had, but I think I did alright. So grateful to Noah and Jordan for their time and energy given in those two weeks for me to learn and live new stuff.

Gotta tell you that Vancouver Island is one of those places in the world that offers very nice conditions for hiking, mountain climbing, kiteboarding, sailing, mountain biking, etc, from late spring through summer.

It was just the perfect outdoor dream with these fellas on their home spot.

Vancouver is the land where the Greenpeace movement started, by few hippy naturalist canadians and americans and after being there and living with all my senses the vast beautiful nature that surrounds them and deliver great conditions for a variety of outdoors activities, there’s no doubt that these people have a deep sense of natural living, respect and care of it.

A gypsy kiters trip

After a lockdown of 2.5 months in the windy, dusty little town where we happened to experience this quarantine; we felt quite in need to

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