A Kite Road Trip with Fone Pro Team

One good day of May, the feeling of contacting Fone Kiteboarding, arouse from deep inside the belly and rocketed itself all the way up through the spine, ringing the bell of the pituitary gland to finally come down and out of the mouth in form of a thunder charged with a simple code: Send email […]

Una temporada en las olas y montañas del Perú

El viaje inició el 29 de junio del 2018, cuando tomamos un vuelo hacia el Perú con unas maletas oversized, llenas de equipo para hacer kitesurf, con un objetivo; cruzar los andes, llegar al valle sagrado y regresar a la costa para ir a correr las famosas olas y vientos peruanos. Bien me habían comentado […]

Collaborating with the Croatian Colleagues.

After those twenty and so days in England, having recovered from covid and having learned few more things about resilience and the transcendence of shitty moments; I was again inside an airport, this time in London’s, waiting for the flight to depart for the promised land which for this case, summer of 2022, was a […]

Another summer in the Windy City.

The final stop of the trip to North America, ended up in Chicago and Lake Michigan, where I visited my uncle which happens to be also my godfather and my his three sons that happen to be my direct cousins. These was the third summer I spend with them in their home town. My three […]

A gypsy kiters trip

After a lockdown of 2.5 months in the windy, dusty little town where we happened to experience this quarantine; we felt quite in need to get out and do our thing. Go exploring remote spots in search of wind, waves and the least people around. The trip was planned for the first days after the […]

Sessions with the conrads of Vancouver Island

Tiempo tenia queriendo ir a conocer la naturaleza de Canadá. En esta ocasión con el plan de visitar a unos amigos que habitan y son oriundos de la pequeña isla llamada Salt Spring, en la punta sureste de la gran isla de Vancouver. La intención de esta visita fue la de aprender sus técnicas de […]

Días soleados en Scandinavia

Después de terminar la temporada de viento y por lo tanto trabajo en Ikarus Kiteboarding, primer escuela de kiteboard en México; uno termina bastante desgastado y quemado por el trabajo directo en el agua, sol, viento e intensa dinámica que un club deportivo como este conlleva. Normalmente después de esos meses de entrega a la […]

Moto road trip a Valle de Bravo

Si te gustan los deportes en la naturaleza, este post y locación, te va a interesar. Un lunes sin pensarlo dos veces, armé la mochila con la lap, algunas ropas e instrumentos básicos de higiene personal. Tomé el tapete especial para sesiones de estiramiento y respiración yóguicas, dos pares de tennis (en caso de lluvia […]

Stay Wild Alaska

It was a surprise the trip to Alaska. Without planning it much, suddenly after visiting the fellas in Vancouver Island, I was on a cruise ship with my family cruising towards Alaska. The huge boat from Holland America cruise company sailed inside the channel in between Canada´s mainland and Vancouver´s island at a speed of […]
