Collaborating with the Croatian Colleagues.

After those twenty and so days in England, having recovered from covid and having learned few more things about resilience and the transcendence of shitty moments; I was again inside an airport, this time in London’s, waiting for the flight to depart for the promised land which for this case, summer of 2022, was a […]

Sessions with the conrads of Vancouver Island

Tiempo tenia queriendo ir a conocer la naturaleza de Canadá. En esta ocasión con el plan de visitar a unos amigos que habitan y son oriundos de la pequeña isla llamada Salt Spring, en la punta sureste de la gran isla de Vancouver. La intención de esta visita fue la de aprender sus técnicas de […]

Stay Wild Alaska

It was a surprise the trip to Alaska. Without planning it much, suddenly after visiting the fellas in Vancouver Island, I was on a cruise ship with my family cruising towards Alaska. The huge boat from Holland America cruise company sailed inside the channel in between Canada´s mainland and Vancouver´s island at a speed of […]
