Aprendí kitesurf en 2010 en Isla Blanca y desde entonces he estado explorando los lugares ventosos de México en busca de buenas sesiones.
After preparing myself the best teaching and riding in many spots of the world, the right time came to open up this Kite Club and share with you all of our passion and the resume of all these years of exploration and preparation.
Nací en Mérida, capital de Yucatán, más cercana al lugar más ventoso de México, Progreso.
Yoga practitioner since 2010 and thanks to it, I recovered from serious injuries caused back in time learning to fly high. Yoga simply helps my naturally twisted skeleton, get aligned and also quiet down the noisy mind.
Jeanne comenzó a hacer kitesurf alrededor de 2016 en la isla de Vancouver. La naturaleza, el bosque, los osos, los pumas y el agua fría fueron los elementos circundantes cuando aprendió. Le encantan las sesiones fuertes con su tabla strapless y su 8m.
She is a magician with the camera and the way she projects her sight in to the photos is as beautiful as it can get. We are lucky to have her as the official photographer of the club and lucky enough to have few other friends with also a special photographic sight collaborating with us.
Being living in Puerto Morelos for the past 14 years where we receive every year the trade winds on winter and spring. We have a small but beautiful kiter community here. In the Riviera Maya we enjoy a quite long and complete windy season, riding winds from all directions: N, NE, E, SE, S and W.
We also have several spots in the Yucatan Peninsula some crowded some not crowded, some completely immerse in the nature and some others immerse in a piece of coast of the main cities and traditional towns. We have a perfect shallow and flat spot, paradise for twin tippers and freestylers, we also count with the second largest reef of the world where with certain wind directions and strengths can get a prime kite wave session. We also count with a long coast mostly protected by the reef for scenic downwinders. All of this, painted with the turquoise blues of the Caribbean Sea and its 26oC temperature.
La otra Península de México, la Baja, es un postre de pura magia. Con los hermosos azules y las aguas menos frías del Mar de Cortés a un lado y el fuerte y frio Océano Pacífico, más ondulado, al otro lado. Realizamos road trips en kitesurf hasta los lugares más remotos, especializados en surfear olas en el lado del Pacífico y por supuesto riding on the Sea of Cortez side where the main Mexican kite and wing mecca is based: La Ventana, BCS.
We enjoy peaceful places with a marked cultural authenticity & tradition, tasty and fresh sea food, coconuts, loads of wind, to observe the different kinds of the blue color in the seas we ride and share cool vibes all around.
Permítenos llevarte en un auténtico Kite Road Trip alrededor de una de nuestras queridas Penínsulas y permítenos compartir algunas sesiones de kite increíbles y épicas.
Con todos los amigos que hemos hecho en este viaje kiter y el efecto after session. ¡El efecto PRANIK!
That is why the name of this club, so just come over and share a PRANIK session with us!
Alex Villanueva